Performance 공연안내
Daegu Opera House makes its best effort to provide the audience with comfortable and pleasant Performance environment.

All Daegu Opera House performances can be booked online, but availability may vary for some rental events based on the hosting company's operation. Thank you for your understanding.

Ticket Cancellation/Change Information

Ticket Cancellation/Change Information
Where to Buy How to Cancel and Change Tickets
Daegu Opera House Homepage
Log in to the homepage and go to (Ticket Reservation→Check Reservation→Paid Performance) to cancel or change your reservation.
Call center Cancellations and changes after calling the call center at 1661-5946
Interpark ticket
Cancellations and changes after logging in to Interpark Tickets in (Confirm/Cancel)

Cancellations/changes/refunds can only be made at the applicable box office.

Ticket Cancellation/Rescheduling Times

Ticket Cancellation/Rescheduling Times
Performance Dates Cancellation and Rescheduling Times
Monday through Saturday, holidays until 5 p.m. the day before your show date
Sunday Available until 11am on Saturday

Tickets purchased on the day of the event cannot be canceled/changed/refunded after booking.

If Saturday is a holiday, it will be effective as of 11:00 AM on Saturday.

About cancellation fees

About cancellation fees
Category Cancellation Fee Remarks
Within 7 days
of purchase
No fees
  • No refunds for booking fees unless you cancel on the day of the event
  • If you cancel within 7 days of booking, but within 10 days of the performance date, you will be charged the applicable cancellation fee.
  • In the event of a cancellation, booking fees will be refunded up until 12:00am on the night of the event, and will not be refunded after that time.
  • Cancellations are not accepted after the cancellation window.
8 days after booking ~ 10 days before show date
  • musical, concert, classical, etc. tickets 4,000 won
  • Theater, exhibition, etc. tickets 2,000 won
  • But no more than 10% of the ticket value
9 days to 7 days before the show date 10% of the ticket price
6 days to 3 days before the show date 20% of the ticket price
2 days to 1 day before the show date 30% of the ticket price